What is AIDS?
The full form of AIDS is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Due to specific causes, when a set of signs and symptoms occurs together is called syndrome. HIV is the main cause to create a syndrome of AIDS.HIV is the main cause of AIDS.
HIV and AIDS have totally damaged and weakens the immune system of the body and it generates vulnerable opportunistic infections in the body. Sometimes these infections become the causes of death in people because HIV causes AIDS severely weakened the immune system.HIV and AIDS were first diagnosed in 1981, after this in more than 150 countries the diagnosis of HIV and AIDS rapidly and many causes of HIV and AIDS have been reported. Survey reveals in 2004 nearly 4200000 people are the victim of this HIV and AIDS disease, many people having to live with this chronic disease. It can be estimated that 8000 people have been diagnosed with AIDS and approximately 6000 people are the victim of death due to AIDS-related illness.
How HIV And AIDS Are Transmitted:
There is no denying fact that high-risk sexual behavior can generate various types of sexually Transmitted illness such as gonorrhea, synlillis, herpes and HIV infection. High-Risk Sexual behavior generates cancer in both men and women. Human papillomavirus infection is creating high-risk sexual behavior Sometimes high-risk sexual behavior leads to cervical cancer in women and other types of anogenital cancers in both men and women.
The High-Risk Sexual behavior factors are responsible for HIV is transmitted:
Multiple Sex Partners
Intravenous Sex Partner
Sex Partner without its history
It creates veneases called sexually transmitted diseases.
There are adverse consequences of high-risk sexual behavior which I have been discussed in the upcoming paragraph:
1. High-Risk Sexual behavior results from very fatal results and generated HIV transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea, syphilis.
2. Hepatitis B and C infection arise in your body, due to high-risk sexual behavior so high-risk sexual behavior has the physical attack and creates fatal infections in the body of men and women.
3. In women, uterine cervix cancer exists due to high-risk sexual behavior. This happened only by the transmission of human papilloma. Virus (HPV) that produce genital warts and anogenital carcinomas infections.
4.Unplanned pregnancy.
5. It is good to use the condom if you have plan sex and you are not sure of your partner health status.
There are two Types of HIV
HIV-1 and HIV-2 are two types of HIV. Both types of HIV are transmitted through blood as well as by sexual contact. It transmitted from mother to child. It can be found that HIV- 2 is less easily transmitted as well as initial infection and illness period is longer in case of HIV-2.
The strains of HIV-1 can be divided into three groups.
One is called Major Group M. The second one is called outlier group O. Third one is called new group N.These three different groups develops simian immune deficiency virus into the human’s body. Group O discovered in countries in west-central Africa. In 1998 in Cameroon Group N discovered. It can be extremely found rarely.
It can be found that 90% of HIV-1 infections belong to HIV -1 Group M.There are at least nine genetically distinct subtypes found in Group M of HIV -1. The various subtypes of HIV-1 are A, B, C, D, F, G, H, J, and K.
Initial HIV Symptoms in Men and Women:
HIV full form is Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Many people when infected with HIV they experience their signs and symptoms as soon as possible.
Various signs and symptoms of HIV/AIDs in Men and Women are:
Early signs and symptoms of HIV in men and women are that they suffer from mild viral infection and flu. Fever, Headache, tiredness, Nausea, Diarrhea is the main initial reasons for HIV.
Sometimes having enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, armpits or groin are some of the initial signs and symptoms of HIV. It may be possible symptoms and signs of HIV infections can be similar to those for different viral infections. So HIV test is the only way to know about the disease.CDC (Centers for Disease Control can be observed signs and symptoms of AIDS.
Rapid weight loss, dry cough, sometimes person receiving fever, profuse from night sweats. Profound and unexplained fatigue, swollen lymph’s glands in the armpits, groin or neck diarrhea, pneumonia.
Other symptoms of HIV aid is that sometimes appears red, brown, pink, purplish blotches under the skin, sometimes inside the mouth, noses or eyelids. Sometimes many persons complained of various problems like memory loss, depression, and other neurological disorder.
White Blood cells Damages due to HIV
Due to HIV white blood cells damages. White blood cells are necessary to fight with the body. But the HIV these cells get damaged due to this body suffers from numerous infections and diseases. Many diseases emerge from the body. At this stage person suffered from chronic results of AIDs (Acquired Immune deficiency syndrome).
HIV Tests is necessary to detect the HIV:
So for proper diagnosis of the test, there is the need for HIV tested by the CPC. There are many types of HIV tests used to determine the person has been infected with HIV. Due to HIV different substances in the blood has been infected. Firstly HIV proteins that circulate in the body has been infected due to HIV
HIV proteins test
Two tests of HIV antibodies to determine HIV infection in the body
A. The first test of ELISA (Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay)
This test is usually to detect HIV. If HIV antibodies are positive in the test then this test repeated again to confirm the diagnosis. In case ELISA is negative then other tests are not usually needed. If it is positive then another test is preferred.
B.Western blot:
It is difficult as compared to ELISA but it is very necessary to confirm the results of two positive ELISA tests.
C. Polymerase chain reaction tests.
This test finds either the RNA of HIV virus or the HIV DNA in white blood cells infected with a virus. PCR testing needs expensive equipment as well as technical skills you can do a test in the days or weeks after exposure to a virus. If you want to detect the recent infection then PCR test is very useful.
D. Indirect Fluorescent Antibody:
For HIV antibodies detection there is the need for the indirect fluorescent antibody test. It is used to detect the results of ELISA same as western blot test. It is more expensive and not is commonly used. A testing time period is often 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months after exposure to find out the person is infected with HIV.
E. Rapid HIV Test:
There are few types of rapid HIV tests appeared by food and dry administration (FDA)It is less costly only one visit is necessary for this test. The test is more accurate as traditional ELISA tests.